This is a ‘college prep’ level workbook. Concepts include: Rhythm drill, simple, compound & irregular meter, conducting patterns, major, minor, diminished & augmented intervals, triads, & inversions, chromatic & diatonic half steps, scale degree names, major/minor circle of 5ths, relative & parallel keys, major & minor scales, chromatic, whole tone & diatonic scales, 4-part writing with voice leading rules, authentic, half & plagal cadences, seventh chords, V7 resolution, transposition, melody writing, vocabulary, lead sheet notation, ear-training, review test. (63 pages, 10 Lessons, 4 Challenge Sheets). Workbooks are NOT reproducible. Grade Eleven concepts are covered in the Diamond Medallion workbook. Upon completion, a student is ready to begin the Grade Twelve workbook or the Diamond Medallion workbook. Use the free online Ear Training videos to do the ET at home. Use the ‘Vocab Drills & Games’ link to drill the vocabulary online, powered by Quizlet. The answers to this workbook and the ET guides are in Teacher’s Edition Vol 3 (scroll down).