The Theory Time Medallion Series Platinum workbook covers the Advanced
levels of music theory. By working through the Platinum workbook, a student
will cover the concepts taught in Grades Nine & Ten in the original workbook
series. This workbook is appropriate for students who have a solid
understanding of the Theory Fundamental through Intermediate levels (i.e.
Primer through Grade 8 in the original Workbook Series.) The Platinum
workbook will prepare a student for the College Prep Level in the original
Workbook Series. Upon completion, a student will be ready to work in the
Diamond Level or in the Grade Eleven workbook of the original Workbook
The Platinum workbook presents spelling Major triads, chromatic & diatonic
half steps, rhythm, key signatures, primary chords in inversions, Major &
three types of minor scales, melody writing in Major and melodic minor,
transposition, classification of intervals by type & size, exact same pitch,
enharmonics, harmonic & melodic intervals, altering intervals, tritone,
parallel keys, chromatic & whole tone scales, diatonic scale & chords, scale
degrees, chords on a grand staff with figured bass, seventh chords, V7
chords in root position & inversions, simple, compound & asymmetrical meter,
note groupings, 32nd note & rest, authentic, half & plagal cadence,
voice-leading rules, four-part harmonic analysis, general voice-leading
rules, sight-singing and vocabulary. This workbook includes 107 pages, 18
Lessons and 6 Challenge Sheets.